Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Some Ambivalence; Some Regret

In the four years since Jacob was circumcised, I haven't given it too much thought; although I am told by some people that I was more opinionated about it in the past, I just don't remember that. I'm always talking about how motherhood has such an immediacy to it, that the things which effect us as mothers in the present are the only things we're concerned about. Maybe it's just me though, maybe I have a bad memory, or I'm selfish. The thing is I really don't remember being that passionately against circumcision, but that does sound like me, doesn't it?

When I was pregnant with Jacob I was 22, just finishing college, and so tired. I didn't have the energy to research things like circumcision in great detail and Zach and I were struggling to come to compromises about different parenting issues when we hadn't expected to be parents just yet. Zach wanted our baby circumcised if it was a boy and I did not. But I had to let him win on something, and that was the thing I gave him. It's a stupid excuse, but that's all I've got and I wish I had done it differently because of research I've read since giving birth.

I do have to agree with Laura in that there don't seem to be any lasting traumatic effects Jacob suffered because of his circumcision. I also agree that there's nothing medically necessary about it. It is purely cosmetic, but if pressed I probably couldn't tell you what the difference between a circumcised and uncircumcised penis are (and yes, I still giggle when I say penis).

I recently had to do some 'maintenance' in an unmentionable area on our male rabbit and while it wasn't fun, I got through it. If I can do that to a creature that didn't come from my body, then what is the big deal with cleaning a little gunk from around my own child's penis? Seriously, between changing a poopy diaper and cleaning up fresh vomit, doesn't pulling back the foreskin and wiping away the buildup on my own child sort of pale in comparison? For the record though, unlike in Adrienne's situation, I don't have to pull back the remainder of the foreskin to clean it, perhaps that's just in come cases.

I'm surprised at myself that I don't have lingering guilt about giving permission for my child to be strapped to a circ board like Danielle and Laura described, but I didn't know at the time that's what was done. My doctor never went into detail about it, and I do blame her in part for my lack of education about that topic. She never presented an alternate view which would have given me reason to do that extra research. Simply put, I was young and stupid and should we have another boy in the future, Zach and I will not even consider circumcision.

1 comment:

Katie S. said...

I can certainly understand if you have learned more information and in retrospect would have made a different decision, but I'm just curious how you would handle the situation of one son being circumcized and one not (if you had a boy in the future)? Do you think they would be confused or have lots of questions?

You guys have made a lot of really good points on this subject. I think I would have just automatically been in favor of having a boy circumcized but now I would definitely have to make a more informed decision.
